My profile on ResearchGate

Raymaekers, P., Migchelbrink, K., Pattyn, V., De Smedt, P. (2025). Organizational and individual factors of evidence informed policy making in public organizations. Public Administration Review. Accepted.

Andersen, N.A. and Pattyn V. (2025). The organisation of evaluations: The influence of the ministry of finance on evaluation systems. Evidence & Policy. Accepted.

Bandola-Gill J., Andersen N.A., Leng R., Pattyn V., and Smith K.E. (2024). A matter of culture? Conceptualizing and investigating “Evidence Cultures” within research on evidence-informed policymaking, Policy and Society.

Mighchelbrink, K., Raymaekers, P., Pattyn V. and De Smedt, P. (2024). Public officials' motivated reasoning and their interpretation of policy information. Public Management Review.

Zaki, B., Pattyn, V. and Wayenberg E. (2024). Policy learning from evidence during polycrises: A case of EU environmental policy. Policy Design and Practice.

Lammers, W., Ferrari, S., Wenmackers, S., Pattyn, V., & Van de Walle, S. (2024). Theories of Uncertainty Communication: An Interdisciplinary Literature Review. Science Communication, 0(0).

Squevin, P., Pattyn, V., Jungblut, J. and Blum, S. (2024). There, across the border – Political scientists and their boundary-crossing work. Policy Sciences.

Lammers, W., Ferrari, S., Pattyn, V. Wenmackers, S., Van De Walle, S. (2024) Evidence for policy-makers: A matter of timing and certainty? Policy Sciences.

Fraussen, B. and Pattyn V. (online first). The niche of think tanks in a consensus – seeking and neo - corporatist policy advisory system. International Review of Administrative Sciences. [Blogpost].

De Francesco, F., Pattyn, V., & Salamon, H. (2024). The monitoring and evaluation challenges of the sustainable development goals: An assessment in three European countries. Sustainable Development, 32(3), 1913–1924.

Krupnik, S., Szczucka, A., Woźniak, M.; Pattyn, V. (online first). The potential of consecutive Qualitative Comparative Analysis as a systematic strategy for configurational theorizing. Evaluation.

Kupiec, T., Celińska Janowicz, D., Pattyn, V. (2023). Understanding evaluation use from an organisational perspective: A review of the literature and a research agenda. Evaluation.

Jungblut, J.P.W.; Gouglas, A.; Katz, G.; Bandola-Gill, J.; Brans, M.; Timmermans, A.; Anderson, A.; Aubin, D.; Bakir, C.; Bino, B.; Bleiklie, I.; Blum, S.; Bolukbasi, T.; Flinders, M.; Fobé, E.; Gallanti, M.T.; Kallestrup, M.; Michelsen, S.; Molnár, G.T.; Pattyn, V.; Pritoni, A.; Real-Dato, J.; Squevin, P.L.D. & Xhindi, N. (2023). Out of the ivory tower: an explanation of the policy advisory roles of political scientists in Europe. European Political Science.

Zaki, B., Pattyn, V., Wayenberg, E. (2022). Policy learning type shifts during creeping crises: A storyboard of COVID-19 driven learning in Belgium. European Policy Analysis, 9 (2), 142-166,

Bundi, P., Pattyn, V. (2022- Online First) Trust, but Verify? Understanding Citizen Attitudes Towards Evidence-Informed Policy Making. Public Administration. [-Blogpost about article-]

Bundi, P., Pattyn, V. (2022- Online first). Citizens and Evaluation: A Review of Evaluation Models. American Journal of Evaluation.

Blum, S. and Pattyn V. (2022). How are evidence and policy conceptualised, and how do they connect? A qualitative systematic review of public policy literature. Evidence & Policy, 18(3), 563-582. [-Blogpost about article-]

Pattyn, V., Alámos-Concha, P., Cambré B., Rihoux, B., and Schalembier, B. (2022). Policy effectiveness through configurational and mechanistic lenses: lessons for concept development. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 24(1), 33-50 DOI: 10.1080/13876988.2020.1773263

Alámos-Concha P., Pattyn V., Rihoux, B., Schalembier, B., Beach, D. & Cambré B. (2022). Conservative solutions for progress: On solution types when combining QCA with in-depth Process-Tracing. Quality and Quantity. 56, 1965–1997,

Pattyn, V., Matthys J., Van Hecke, S. (2021). High-stakes crisis management in the Low countries: Comparing government responses to Covid-19. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 87(3), 593-611.

Tan, E., Pattyn V., Casiano, C., Crompvoets, J. (2021). A capacity assessment framework for the Fit-For-Purpose land administration systems: The use of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in Rwanda and Kenya. Land Use Policy. 102.

Pattyn, V., Bouterse, M. (2020). Explaining use and non-use of policy evaluations in a mature evaluation setting. Humanitities and Social Sciences Communications 7, 85. [Open Access]

Pattyn, V., Gouglas, A., and de Leeuwe, J. (2021) The knowledge behind Brexit. A bibliographic analysis of ex-ante policy appraisals on Brexit in the United Kingdom and the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy, 28(6), 821-839 DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2020.1772345

Pattyn, V., Blum, S., Fobé, E., Pekar-Milicevic, M., and Brans, M. (2022). Academic policy advice in consensus-seeking countries: The cases of Belgium and Germany. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 88(1), 26–42.

Koeva, M.; Stöcker, C.; Crommelinck, S.; Ho, S.; Chipofya, M.; Sahib, J.; Bennett, R.; Zevenbergen, J.; Vosselman, G.; Lemmen, C.; Crompvoets, J.; Buntinx, I.; Wayumba, G.; Wayumba, R.; Odwe, P.O.; Osewe, G.T.; Chika, B.; Pattyn, V. (2020). Innovative Remote Sensing Methodologies for Kenyan Land Tenure Mapping. Remote Sensing 12, 273.

Pattyn, V., De Peuter, B., Brans, M. (2019). Why do ministers ask for policy evaluation studies? The case of the Flemish government. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 60(4), 701-717. 10.1007/s11615-019-00211-8 [Open Access!]

Pattyn, V. (2019). Towards appropriate impact evaluation methods. European Journal of Development Research, 31(2), 174-179. [free full-text view-only version]

Pattyn, V., Molenveld, A., & Befani, B. (2019). Qualitative Comparative Analysis as an evaluation tool: lessons from an application in development cooperation. American Journal of Evaluation. 40(1), 55-74.

Ho, S., Pattyn, V., Broucker, B., & Crompvoets, J. (2018). Needs assessment in land administration. The potential of the Nominal Group Technique. Land, 7(3), 87; doi: 10.3390/land7030087

Brans, M. & Pattyn, V. (2017): Validating Methods for Comparing Public Policy: Perspectives from Academics and “Pracademics”. Introduction to the Special Issue, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/13876988.2017.1354560 (free access via this link)

Desmedt, E., Morin, D., Pattyn, V. & Brans, M. (2017). Impact of performance audit on the administration. A Belgian study (2005-2010). Managerial Auditing Journal, 32(3), Online First

Brans M., Pattyn V. & Bouckaert G. (2016). Taking care of crisis: policy continuity and change under Belgium’s longest caretaker government. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 18(5),448-463.

Pattyn, V. & Brans, M. (2015). Organisational analytical capacity: Policy evaluation in Belgium. Policy and Society, 34(3), 183-196 (free download-restricted to first 50 downloads)

Speer, S., Pattyn, V., & De Peuter B. (2015). The Growing Role of Evaluation in Parliaments: Holding Governments Accountable. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 81(1), 37-57.

Pattyn, V. (2015). Explaining Variance in Policy Evaluation Regularity. The case of the Flemish Public Sector. Public Management Review, 17(10), 1475-1495

Pattyn V. (2014). Why organisations (do not) evaluate? Explaining evaluation activity through the lens of configurational comparative methods. Evaluation: The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice. 20(3), 348-367.

Pattyn V. & Brans M. (2014). Explaining organisational variety in evaluation quality assurance. Which conditions matter? International Journal of Public Administration, 37(6), 363-375.

Pattyn V. & Brans M. (2013). Outsource versus In-house? An identification of organisational conditions influencing the choice for internal or external evaluators. The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 28(2), 43-63.

Pattyn, V. (2012). "Why organisations (do not) evaluate. A search for necessary and sufficient conditions". COMPASSS working paper, 2012-70.

De Peuter, B., Pattyn V. & Wayenberg, E. (2011). Territorial reform of local government and alternative strategies: A comparative inquiry into evaluation criteria underpinning decisions and debate in Flanders. Local Government Studies, 37(5): 533-552

Brans M., & Pattyn V. (2008). Developing a European Culture of Quality in European Union Studies Programs. In: Focuses and Challenges in European Union Studies, Tartu Eurocollege Working Paper Series.

Delmartino F., & Pattyn V. (2007), Federal-type arrangements in the European Union. A quest for a new paradigm. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Studia Europaea, 7 (2)  pp.167-192

Keulen S., Pattyn V., van Druenen R. en Chan, M. (2025). De impact van doelmatigheids- en doeltreffendheidsonderzoek van de Algemene Rekenkamer op de rijksoverheid. Beleidsonderzoek Online.

Raymaekers P., De Smedt P, Pattyn V., Migchelbrink, K. (2023). Evidence als evidentie? Resultaten van een grootschalige survey onder ambtenaren over onderbouwd beleid in de Vlaamse overheid. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement 4, 5-22.

Pattyn, V., Zaki, B., and Wayenberg E. (2022). ‘Beleid in sluipende crisistijd: het Belgische relaas van COVID-19-gedreven beleidsleren’. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 3, 43-55.

Bouterse, M., and Pattyn V. (2020). De autonome ombudsman? De casus van de Nederlandse Kinderombudsman. Bestuurskunde. 22(2), 60-70.

Bouterse, M. & Pattyn, V. (2018). 'Welke factoren bevorderen of belemmeren het gebruik van beleidsevaluaties?', Beleidsonderzoek Online maart 2018, DOI: 10.5553/BO/221335502018000003001

Verlet, D., De Peuter, B. & Pattyn V. (2018). Effectiviteit vaststellen binnen de overheid: Over willen, kunnen en doen. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 1, 5-16.

Klep K.F.M., Pattyn V.E., Bruning M.R., Liefaard T., Verkroost D.S. & Rap S.E. (2018), De Kinderombudsman op de kaart. Lessen voor de toekomst uit de Evaluatie Wet Kinderombudsman., Tijdschrift voor Familie- en Jeugdrecht 2018(1): 12-18.

Desmedt, E., Pattyn, V. & Van Humbeeck, P. (2016). Beleidsevaluatie vandaag: Een voorzichtige balans. Uitleiding themanummer beleidsevaluatie. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 21(2), 63-69

Knaap, P. van der &  Pattyn, V. (Red.) (2016). Beleidsevaluatie, kennis en politiek: Nieuw optimisme rond klassieke paradoxen. Bestuurskunde, 25(2): 3-5

De Peuter B. & Pattyn V. (2016), Waarom evalueren beleidsmakers? Een longitudinale analyse van motieven voor beleidsevaluatie in Vlaamse ministeriële beleidsnota’s, Bestuurskunde 25(2): 32-45.

Fraussen, B. & Pattyn V. (2016). Denktanks in België: Onbekend en onbemind? Samenleving en Politiek, 23(5), 70-78.

Pattyn, V., Gerrits, L. & Verweij, S. (2015). Qualitative Comparative Analysis: meer behorend bij de kwalitatieve onderzoekstraditie dan bij de kwantitatieve benadering, KWALON, Tijdschrift voor Kwalitatief Onderzoek, 3(60), 26-33

Desmedt E. & Pattyn V. (2015). De impact van de performance audits van het Rekenhof. Survey bij ambtenaren van de federale overheid. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 7(3), 103-120.

Van Damme, J. & Pattyn V. (2015). Overheid in transitie(s) ? Beleidsrollen en –instrumenten in een transitiecontext. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 8(1), 5-9.

Pattyn, V. (2014). De techniek van grootste gelijkenis en verschil (MDSO/MSDO). Een hulpmiddel voor de selectie van causaal relevante variabelen in een databestand met weinig casussen. KWALON: Tijdschrift voor Kwalitatief Onderzoek, 57, 19(3), 55-67.

Pattyn V., Van Hecke S., Brans M., Libeer T. (2014). Tussen politieke partijen en think tanks: Een verkennende analyse van de Vlaamse partijstudiediensten. Res Publica: Tijdschrift voor Politologie, 3 , 293-316.

Pattyn V. &  Verweij S. (2014). Beleidsevaluaties tussen methode en praktijk: Naar een meer realistische evaluatiebenadering. Burger, Bestuur en Beleid, 4, 260-267.

Oomsels, P. & Pattyn V. (2013). Initiatie. De ontbrekende schakel in beleidsevaluatieonderzoek. Drie hefbomen voor beter gebruik van beleidsevaluaties. Bestuurskunde, 22(1), 177-187.

De Peuter, B., & Pattyn V. (2010). Evaluatie van interbestuurlijk beleid via de beleidstheoriegedreven benadering. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 3, 18-28.

Andersen N., Pattyn V. and Smith K.E. (2024). Evidence Cultures: how and why do they matter? Policy & Society. Forthcoming.

Zaki B., Pattyn V. and Wayenberg E. (2024). Policymaking in an age of polycrises: Emerging Perspectives. Policy Design and Practice. Forthcoming.

Brans M. & Pattyn V. (Eds.) (2017). Validating Methods for Comparing Public Policy: Academia and Government in Dialogue. Special issue. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis.

Van Der Knaap, P. & Pattyn V. (Eds.) (2016). Beleidsevaluatie, kennis en politiek: nieuw optimisme rond klassieke paradoxen. Themanummer Bestuurskunde, 25(2).

Brans, M. & Pattyn, V. (2015) (Eds.) Section: Comparative methods. In M. Dubnick and D. Bearfield (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. 3rd Edition. Taylor and Francis.

Pattyn, V.,  Van Damme, J., and De Rynck, F. (2015) (Eds.). Overheid in transitie(s)? Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement.

Van der Knaap P., Pattyn V., Hanemaayer D. (2020). Beleidsevaluatie in theorie en praktijk. Den Haag: Boom Bestuurskunde [Tweede en geactualiseerde editie: 2023]

Pattyn V. (2014). Policy evaluation (in)activity unravelled. A configurational analysis of the incidence, number, locus and quality of policy evaluations in the Flemish public sector. PhD Thesis. KU Leuven: Public Governance Institute.

Bundi, P. and Pattyn, V. (2024). “Do citizens even want to hear the truth? Public attitudes towards evidence-informed policymaking”' (pp. 116- 133). In: M. Marra, K. Olejniczak and A. Paulson (Eds.). Evaluation in the post-truth world. Routledge.

Tosun, J., De Francesco, F. and Pattyn, V. (2023). “What role can social constructivism play in realist evaluation? The potentials and the limits”. In: F. Varone, S. Jacob and P. Bundi. Handbook of Public Policy Evaluation. Edward Elgar.

Pattyn, V. & Bundi, P. (2023). “Formal Agenda-Setting Government Tools. Periodic Evaluations and Reviews”. In: M. Howlett (Ed.). Routledge Handbook of Policy Tools. Routledge.

De Francesco, F. & Pattyn, V. (2022). “Designing for coordination: the case of regulatory management policy”. In: G. Peters & G. Fontaine (Eds.) Research Handbook of Policy Design (pp. 341-354). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Klep, K., Rap, S. and Pattyn, V. (2022), "How to Research Independent Children’s Rights Institutions: Lessons Learned from the Evaluation of the Dutch Children’s Ombudsman", Lux, A., Gran, B. and Bass, L.E. (Ed.) The Roles of Independent Children's Rights Institutions in Advancing Human Rights of Children (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 28), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 55-73.

Mavrot, C. & Pattyn V. (forthcoming). “The politics of evaluation”'. In: Ladner Andreas, Sager Fritz (Eds.), Edward Elgar Handbook on the Politics of Public Administration. [preprint]

Pattyn, V. & Timmermans, A. (2022). “Polder Politics under Pressure: The Advisory Roles of Political Scientists in the Netherlands“. In: Brans, M. and Timmermans A. (Eds.) The Advisory Role Of Political Scientists In Europe. Palgrave Macmillan. [Open Access!]

Van Hecke, S., Vande Walle, B., Bouckaert, G., Pattyn, V. (2022). “Belgium: Struggling with solidarity (7-10)”. In: M. Kaeding, J. Pollak and P. Schmidt (Eds.) European Solidarity in Action and the Future of Europe. Springer.

Timmermans, A., Pattyn, V., van der Meulen, B. (2021). “Political and Social Forces Shaping Political Science Research and Knowledge Transfer in the Netherlands (179-202)”. In: Eisfeld, R. and Flinders, M. (Eds.) Political Science in the Shadow of the State: Research, Relevance, Deference. Palgrave Macmillan.

De Francesco, F. & Pattyn, V. (2021). ‘'Policy evaluation styles’' (pp. 408-421). In: Howlett, M. & Tosun, J. The Routledge Handbook of Policy Styles. Routledge.

Pattyn V. & De Peuter B. (2021), ‘'Evaluation in Belgien’' (pp. 93-114). In: Stockmann, R.; Meyer, W. (Eds.) Die Institutionalisierung der Evaluation in Europa. Münster: Waxmann.

Pattyn, V. (2020). “Beleidsevaluatie”. In: Wayenberg E. Bouwen aan beleid. Gent: Borgerhoff & Lamberigts.

Pattyn, V. & De Peuter, B. (2020). “Belgium”. In: R. Stockmann & W. Meyer., Taube L. The Institutionalisation of evaluation in Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Pattyn, V., Van Voorst, S, Mastenbroek, E. & Dunlop, C. (2018). "Policy evaluation in Europe". In: Edoardo Ongaro and Sandra van Thiel (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe. Palgrave

Fobé, E., Pattyn V., Brans, M. (2017). "Policy analytical practice investigated: Exploring patterns in use of policy analytical techniques" (pp. 179-202). In: Howlett, M., Ramesh, M., Wu, X. (eds.) Policy capacity and Governance: Assessing Governmental Competences and Capabilities in Theory and Practice. London: Palgrave.

Pattyn, V., Pittoors, G. and Van Hecke, S. (2017). "Who are the political parties’ ideas factories? On policy analysis by political party think tanks". Chapter 16. pp.245-260. In: Brans, M., Geva May I. and Howlett, M. (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Comparative Policy Analysis. Routledge.

Pattyn, V., Pirlot, P., Brans, M., Rihoux, B. & Van Hecke S. (2017). "Policy analysis by political party study centres". In: Brans M. and Aubin D. (Eds.) Policy analysis in Belgium. University of Bristol: The Policy Press.

De Peuter B., Fobé, E., Petitjean, M., Pattyn, V. (2017). "Policy analytical methods in Belgian policy work". In: M. Brans and D. Aubin (Eds.) Policy analysis in Belgium. University of Bristol: The Policy Press.

Fraussen, B., Pattyn, V. & Lawarée J. (2017). "Thinking in Splendid Isolation ? The Organization and Policy Engagement of Think Tanks in Belgium". In: M. Brans and D. Aubin (Eds.) Policy analysis in Belgium. University of Bristol: The Policy Press.

Pattyn, V. & Brans, M. (2017). "Belgium". In M. Dubnick (ed.). Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. 3rd Edition. Taylor and Francis.

Martinez, G. & Pattyn, V. (2011). "Autonomisation of drinking water management supply? The Tunisian experience". In: S. Bogdanovic (Eds.), Water policy and Law in the Mediterranean. An evolving nexus. Novi Sad:. University of Novi Sad & Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute, pp. 191-211.

De Peuter, B., & Pattyn V. (2009). "Evaluation capacity : enabler or exponent of evaluation culture". In: A. Fouquet and L. Méasson (Eds.) L’évaluation des politiques publiques en Europe : cultures et futurs, Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 133-142.

De Peuter, B.; Pattyn V. & Brans B. (2009). "Risico’s op perverse effecten bij beleidsevaluatie? Een vergelijking van mogelijke evaluatiemotieven tegen de achtergrond van de Vlaamse hervormingscontext". In: D. Verlet and C. Devos (Eds.) Over beleidsevaluatie: Van theorie naar praktijk en terug, SVR-studie 2008/2, Studiedienst van de Vlaamse Regering, pp. 84-113.

Brans M. & Pattyn V. (2008). "Fostering higher education mobility in Europe. Challenges for international program collaboration in the post-Bologna era". In: G. Jenei and M. Karoly (Eds.) Public Administration and Public Policy Degree Programs in Europe. The Road from Bologna, Slovak Republic: NISPAcee Press, pp. 361-377.

Pattyn V., Broucker B., & Brans M. (2008). "Quality management in public administration master programs: towards a holistic approach". In: G. Jenei and M. Karoly (Eds.) Public Administration and Public Policy Degree Programs in Europe. The Road from Bologna, Slovak Republic: NISPAcee Press, pp. 81-105.

Delmartino F., & Pattyn V. (2008), "Federal-type arrangements in the European Union. A quest for a new paradigm". In: M. O’Neill & N. Paun (Eds.) Europe’s Constitutional Crisis: International Perspectives, European Studies Foundation Publishing House, Romania: Cluj-Napoca, pp.168-187

Pattyn, V. (2019), Customized implementation of European Union food safety policy: United in diversity? Public Administration. doi:10.1111/padm.12601

Pattyn, V. (2023) Qualitative Comparative Analysis. LIEPP Methods Brief n°39, ⟨hal-04160570⟩

Pattyn, V. (2023) Analyse Qualitative Comparée (AQC/ QCA). LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°40, 2023, 6 p. ⟨hal-04160608⟩

Pattyn, V. & Noordink, M. (2021). Het gebruik van verantwoordingsinformatie door Kamerleden. De Hofvijver. mei 2021.

Pattyn, Valérie & Brans Marleen (2017). Beleidsvoering tijdens lange regeringsonderhandelingen. De Belgische ervaring. De Hofvijver. Juni 2017